30 June 2011


I ran.

I tweaked the last 3 intervals to be run 30 seconds walk one minute six times... and at the end I have never felt worsely better. Translating in such a way is acceptable here.
I felt like I was going to barf. I did mostly sprint-pace for the running intervals, and when I stepped into the kitchen, I felt extremely nauseous. I rushed to the toilet, lifted the lid, and then I realized I DON'T want to barf... I'm definitely dehydrated. So I rushed to gulp some iced tea like it was the first drink I've seen in ages.. and it passed.

I have never run to the point of nausea before.. and I'm proud of having that "typical" moment.

After the fluid was in my body, I felt GREAT.
So bloody great.

I am becoming a runner... and no- I'm not naive. Yes, I do realize this is my first day doing an actual training plan. No, I do not take back anything I said. Yes, I am questioning and responding to myself.

Hi self.

29 June 2011

I have an urge.
The urge to become a lifelong runner.
The kind that feeds on self-made endorphins and drinks her morning coffee happily, as a post-run effect.

Tomorrow morning I will start my 8 week plan to run, ending with a thirty minute, non-stopping, HAPPY run.
It must be thirty minutes; I must run non-stop; I must run HAPPY. :)

I will wake at five am. Drink some coffee. Eat some food.

And off I will go.

Run one minute.
Walk 2 minutes.
Repeat 10x.

My insides are cheerily squirming.. my cardiac muscle ready to pump.

ooohhhh dear ....

my insides will be shocked.

For me, for you, mostly for me.

Honesty is greedily fascinating. Complete honesty- the kind that makes the bloody inside your corpse seem carbonated.
As a welcome, I will point out that I have every intention of producing honesty. Thus, this blog is for me to document whichever thoughts float off the tips of my fingers. Mind you, these thoughts may have forgotten to stop by the brain, and will be barbaric.

Alas, a blogger writing a blog does need a diverse plethora of bloggy-eyes. I invite you to witness and to comment.